SCT Topic 6: Network Reconnaissance and OSINT

SCT Topic 6: Network Reconnaissance and OSINT

The initial phase of network security assessment is reconnaissance, in my understanding, this phase is used to gather the information of the target, including hosts, networks, users, services, etc.

It is an essential preparation mission before you can really do something to the target.

And the reconnaissance could be separated to passive or active.

Passive reconnaissance

In this case, "passive" means you do not directly interact or engage with target system. More specifically, you do not send any type of request to the target, thus the targets have no way of acknowledgement what you are doing.

You should use all the tools to gather more information as possible (free, open source, commercial tools)

Querying Search Engines and Websites
There are some typical data you can gather by querying search engines and websites
  • Physical address of office locations
  • Contact details, including email addresses and telephone numbers
  • Details of internal email systems and routing
  • DNS layout and naming conventions
  • Files residing on publicly accessible servers

Here are some powerful tools we can use:

It is very common for us to complain that Google returns some irrelevant results, but actually Google provides some powerful tools to enhance the search, it is the “Goolge Advanced search”, we can use its syntax to refine our search rules.

For example, “inurl:program” results in all the websites or resources whose url or cotent contains the keyword “program”, you can even use “allinurl:program” to query all the url which contains “program”.

Another common example is, when you search “program moon”, the result will probabaly give you a lot of results with “program” while excluding the keyword “moon” because obviously there is less result contains moon.

However, if you want to search the whole word which contains both “program moon”, you can surround the keywords with double quotes ““program moon””, so powerful, isn’t it?

Querying Netcraft

The Netcraft Web Application contains historical server fingerprints, which you can use to check the OS versions or map network blocks of a company

The link above shows the result of all recorded NIST government sites with their site, netblock, OS.


Shodan is a powerful search engine for gathering information on all devices connected to Internet. Use search query syntax(city, country, http.title net, org, port, etc.) to search for the devices information within the whole Internet. Some entries even may list corresponding known vulnerabilities.

  • Differences with Google?

    1. Google queries the resources on World Wide Web, but it is only a tiny fraction of Internet, Shodan’s goal is to provide a complete picture of the Internet.
    2. Shodan explicitly requires search query syntax.


LinkedIn has a lot of personal profiles, it is always a good beginning for attacks like social engineering to dig deeper into an employee and an organisation. The LinkedIn Premium would help to look for people and roles without notifying them.

Domain WHOIS

WHOIS allows you to uncover the details information behind a domain. Typically, it contains:

  • Administrative contact details
  • Mailing addresses for office locations
  • Details of authoritative name servers for each domain

Automated Email Enumeration

The TheHarvester tool is used for gathering information of emails, sub-domains, hosts, employee names, open ports, and banners from different public sources like search engines, PGP key servers, and SHODAN computer database.

example 1 Search email addresses from domain with results of 200 and using Bing as data source.

theharvester -d -l 200 -b bing

example 2

Search email addresses from domain with results of 50 and using google as data source, finally saved the resources in myresults.html

DNS Querying

What information we could retrieve from DNS Querying?
  • Authoritative DNS server information from name server (NS) records
  • Domain and subdomain information
  • Hostname information from A, PTR, and CNAME records
  • Public points of presence that list mail exchanger (MX) records

In some cases, poorly configured DNS servers also allow you to enumerate:

  • Operating-system and platform information of hosts from the host information (HINFO) record
  • Names and IP addresses of internal or nonpublic hosts and networks
Why it is a passive recon?
There is no active scanning or probing of the target networks, you just probe and query the information with authoritative DNS servers (for those domains or network blocks that are often run by ISPs).

Meanwhile, most name servers are not aware of these potential sweeps, because they looks like normal DNS traffic.

  • Forward DNS Querying

    Legitimate forward query:

    1. An end user accesses web site
    2. During the receipt of email when SMTP mail exchanger information is requested about the relevant domains

    Attacker: Issue forward DNS queries to identify mail servers and other obvious Internet-based systems


    • The Sam Spade Windows client (available from
    • The nslookup client found within most operating systems
    • The host client found within Unix environments
    • The dig client found within Unix environments
  • DNS Zone transfer Techniques

    DNS zone : A DNS zone file contains all the naming information that the name server stores regarding a specific DNS domain, often including details of nonpublic internal networks and other userful information you can use to build an accurate map of the target infrastructure.

    Why we need DNS Zone transfer? : In most organisations, they use multiple name server to implement load balancing and fault tolerance.

     The main name server is known as the `primary name server` and all subsequent name servers are `secondary name servers`.
     Either a `primary` or `secondary` name server can be <span class="underline">queried for name resolution</span>, thus, it is important that each name server have current (primary) DNS zone information.
     To ensure this, a `secondary name server` will <span class="underline">regularly</span> requests a complete listing of the computers it is responsible for from the primary.

    Tools used to request DNS zone transfer information include:

    • The Sam Spade Windows client (available from
    • The nslookup client found within most operating systems
    • The host client found within Unix-based environments
    • The dig client found within Unix-based environments
  • Reverse DNS Sweeping

    You may notice in previous techniques, they require domain name as parameter, but in this case, we do the opposite thing against name resolution, we called reverse DNS.

    It can gather details of hosts that may be protected or filtered but still have DNS hostnames assigned to them. It is also able to identify hosts and potential weaknesses within Internet-based points of presence because it reveals hosts and networks that may not be revealed during DNS zone transfer queries.


  • Disable directory indexing on Web servers
  • Use “robots.txt” to prevent indexing of certain content by search engines but do NOT rely on it to protect sensitive data
  • Use generic details in WHOIS data (or privacy-protect it)
  • Disable DNS zone transfers to untrusted hosts
  • Prune DNS zone files from unnecessary information
  • Preventing TypoSquatting: you may check if a similar domain is available, if you are Nintendo you may check for alternative domains with small variants (that people may mistype by accident while trying to visit your website).

Active reconnaissance

Compare to the passive reconnaissance, ACTIVE means actively interact with target services, network and hosts.

Active Reconnaissance Tools

Nmap (“Network mapper”) is the most used tools to perform Internet network scans, is a free and open source utility for network discovery and security auditing.

Other commonly used tools include:

  • Nessus
  • Rapid7 Nexpose
  • QualysGuard

You always need to use both free and commercial tools to assess the network because the attackers will do the same!

Some types of nmap scans

  • TCP scanning with connection (-sT, the default), Connection scans
  • TCP scanning with SYN packets (-sS)
  • TCP scanning through FIN (finished, is used to initial to close the connection) packets (-sF), no log file on server
  • TCP scanning empty (-sN)
  • TCP scanning Xmas Tree (FIN + PUSH + URG, -sX)
  • TCP scanning through ACK packets (-sA)
  • TCP canning with Window Size (-sW)
  • TCP scanning through R
nmap -Sp
The -sP option sends an ICMP echo request, TCP SYN to port 443, TCP ACK to port 80, and an ICMP timestamp request by default.

Host Scanning

To confirm if a target IP is reachable/active through Internet

Automated execution of a series of ping commands to determine which systems are active

Known Techniques

  • Ping sweep

  • ICMP sweep

  • Normally, the "ping" command is used to send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packet to expect ICMP ECHO_REPLY

    However, it takes too much time in a large-scale networks because of waiting for the replay sequencly

Thus, we could use fping to sends “blocks of ping” at the same time to fix this problem

Defense against ping and fping scans
Block all ICMP traffic
  • scan ports at the transfer layer (TCP/UDP), e.g., through nmap or hping3 to send TCP ACK, you can see an example in Idle scanning later.

Port Scanning

Try to connect to TCP and UDP ports of the target system to determine which network services are active (or LISTENING).
nmap -p(range) <target IP>
namp -p3389,20-100

It is important to know the active ports which can by exploited to attack.

UDP Portscan
Send a zero-length UDP packet to each port to determine which UDP services are available, if an ICMP error message “port unreachable” is received, it assumed that this service is unavailable.
nmap -sU
TCP Portscan
Try to establish a TCP handshake to all the 65535 ports of the victim host to determine TCP services are available or not:
  • Advantage: no need to be root

  • Disadvantage: very noisy

    nmap -sT
  • TCP FIN Scan

    The attacker sends a FIN-marked (to close TCP connection) packet to victim host

    • If the port is closed, a RST packet is sent back
    • If the port is open, the FIN packet is ignored (timeout)
    nmap -sF
  • Idle Scanning

    How to understand the word “idle”? : "Idle" is the requirement of the zombie computer, it requires the zombie computer have low network traffic (or better it has almost no traffic). Thus it usually happens overnight.

    So why we need the zombie computers do not have any other traffic?

    The reason is directly pointing to the mechanism of idle scanning: basically, idle scanning aims to use zombie computers to “relay” the scan without exposing attackers to victims, and get the status of service ports.

    Before we elaborate the mechanisms of idle scanning, let’s briefly recap the knowledge about the response of SYN segments

    TCP SYN Scanning: AKA “half-open” scanning

    • If a SYN/ACK segment is sent to a host, it will respond with RST(reset) segment (because there is no corresponding session which started with a SYN earlier to SYN/ACK)
    • If a SYN segment is sent to a host, it will respond with a RST(reset) if the port closed
    • If a SYN segment is sent to a host, it will respond with a RST if the port closed,

    • If a SYN segment is sent to a host, it doesn’t give a response if the port filtered.

    Now let’s talk about the mechanism details with three scanning examples:

    • Idle Scan (Victim Port Open)

      1. The attacker sends a SYN/ACK segment to the Zombie computer

      2. Zombie computer responses with RST segment with its IP ID is incremented by “one”

      3. Since attackers get the initial IP ID value of Zombie computer, they will then sends a spoofed SYN segment with Zombie computer’s IP address to the Victim’s computer

        The Attacker pretend to be zombie computer, and communicate with the victim.

      4. Since the target port is open, the victim computer will response a SYN/ACK segment to Zombie computer.

      5. However, the zombie computer did not establish a session with Victim computer, so when it receive the SYN/ACK segment, it will respond with a RST segment to it, and meanwhile, increases its IP ID by “one” to 6,163

      6. The attackers want to check the current IP ID, thus they send another SYN/ACK segment to The Zombie computer

      7. The Zombie computer responds with a RST segment and increases its IP ID by “one” to 6,164 then sends to the attacker

        The attackers check the IP ID is increased by “two” which could confirm that the victim computer is OPEN.

      Based on this, we can also get the reason why we require the victim computer to be “idle”, otherwise, the increment could be uncertain.

    • Idle Scan (Victim Port Closed)

      So, what if the port is closed? This time, the spoofed SYN segment will not get the response of RST, which avoid the Zombie computer to interact with Victim computer, and the IP ID did not increase, thus finally we will get the IP ID only increase by “one”, which indicate the port is closed.

    • Idle Scan (Victim Port Fillterd)

      If there is a firewall filter the spoofed SYN segment, the Victim computer will not send anything to Zombie computer, which result in the same IP ID as Port closed case.

OS Fingerprinting

To determine the operating system of a host: Which OS? Which Version?
sudo nmap -O localhost

#+begin_src bash nmap -O -PN k#+end_src

Service Enumeration/Banner Grabbing

By grabbing the headers of exposed services, nmap (option -sV) can try to infer the exact service version

Nmap Scripting Engine

Nmap provide a series of scripts for checking the vulnerabilities based on open services of victim host

Scripts can be found in usr/share/nmap/scripts

nmap --secript [script name] [target]

Mitnick-Shimomura attack

IP spoofing attack

We assume A and B trust each other, they will establish connection without further authentication with each other.

And C is the attacker who want to impersonate B with respect to A in opening a TCP connection

  1. C first kill B with flooding, crashing or redirecting, then B can’t send RST segments back to A
  2. C sends a spoofed TCP SYN segment with B’s IP address to A, and s_c as the sequence number
  3. A replies with a TCP SYN/ACK segment to B with s_s as the sequence number. But B can’t reply.
  4. C does not receive segment from A, but C wants to continue the connection, so C send an ACK segment with s_s + 1 as the acknowledgement number
    • C need to guess the sequence number


  • Block scanning (e.g., ICMP)
  • Check open ports and configuration, to make sure that only appropriate services are exposed.
  • Monitor network activity (e.g., Intrusion Detection System, SIEM)
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